All Quiet on the Western Front - Falcon's Blog

All Quiet on the Western Front

Greetings, for my first blog update of 2011 I would like to review a classic novel of the first world war which is All Quiet on the Western Front. It was written by Erich Maria Remarque, which follows the story of a group of young German soldiers and their experiences throughout the war. The book is a first person narrative from the view point of the main character, Paul. Other people that befriend him are also German soldiers at the Front called Kat, Muller, Tadjen and Kropp who experience what he is going through as well. They are other people in the plot but are minor characters, who appear only a few times. Through Paul the reader witnesses how the war ruins everyone and their dreams in the story both physically and mentally.I found at the beginning the book took a while to get into but once I began to understand the characters I started to like it more, it’s the first novel I have every read about World War one which I think is another reason I didn’t take to it immediately. The language Erich uses is slightly out of date but it is still easy enough to understand, after all it was written a long time ago. Overall it’s quite a good book and I’d recommend it to those with an interest in history to explore how it really was. The eighth chapter of the Invisible agents is up in Warehouse 17.

Plot= 7/10




Quote of the day

Baldrick, no! It's the worst plan since Abraham Lincoln said "Oh I'm sick of kicking around the house tonight, let's go take in a show!". For a start, General Melchett is in mourning for the woman of his dreams: he is unlikely to be in the mood to marry a two-legged badger wrapped in a curtain! Secondly, we are looking for a great entertainer, and you're the worst entertainer since Saint Paul the Evangelist toured Palestine with his trampoline act! No, we'll have to find somebody else.



Written by Falcon, Monday 03 January 2011

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Joh  15 year(s) ago (174 months)


Falcon  15 year(s) ago (174 months)

Congratulations Joh, you made the 100th comment.

Aaron  15 year(s) ago (174 months)

I've heard of it, of course, it's quite famous. Glad you enjoyed it! World War 1 is something I really could do with reading up on more.

Brisingr  15 year(s) ago (174 months)

Ah yes, I loved this book. I never really read any other WWI books but this is truly fascinating

Joh  15 year(s) ago (174 months)

I have heard of this book but can't say I have ever read it. Sounds like a worthy read though.