The Wolf of Wall Street - Falcon's Blog

The Wolf of Wall Street

Greetings, the Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio , Margot Robbie and Jonah Hill. The movie is based on the life of and book, of the same name, written by Jordan Belfort. He was a crooked stockbroker and cocaine addict who manipulated the stock market during the 1990s but has since become a motivational speaker. It is very dark, humorous and adult in nature but also a highly enjoyable watch with some great scenes and performances from the cast involved, especially from DiCaprio.

The story begins in 1987 when Jordan Belfort, played by DiCaprio, is a young and aspiring stockbroker married to his first wife named Teresa. He begins his career with a small job working for investment banking firm L.F. Rothschild but soon loses it due to the market crash known as Black Monday. Belfort’s time at Rothschild was not wasted as he had began to build up experience and took on the advice of his old boss, Mark Hanna, who was played by Matthew McConaughey. Belfort was encouraged to live an immoral lifestyle in order to reduce the stress of the job. As the economy becomes hostile to stockbrokers Belfort is forced to find an occupation elsewhere and becomes involved with boiler room dealing in penny stocks.

The Wolf of Wall Street

With Jordan’s charismatic pitching style, he is able to establish a small fortune as well as turn co-workers into enthusiastic followers who begin to use his pitching methods. With the financing and support from colleagues he had gained from the boiler room trade, Belfort is able to establish his own company called Stratton Oakmont with the help of his friend named Donnie Azoff. As such, Jordan becomes rich and follows the advice of Hanna by living an extravagant and decadent lifestyle that puts stress on the relationship with his wife. As Oakmont grows in size its fraudulent activity becomes clear to the FBI and agent Patrick Denham is put on the case. Much to Belfort’s discomfort Denham cannot be bribed and a lot of the film is dedicated to the two characters trying to outsmart each other.

Overall, it is a very fun film to watch with plenty of comedic and more dramatic scenes. It has a running time of around three hours but was entertaining from beginning to end with a gripping storyline and characters. The fictionalized version of Belfort was portrayed excellently by DiCaprio and was an interesting character to watch as due to his lack of morality. In my opinion the Wolf of Wall Street is one of the best films to have come out in 2013.



Special effects=10/10


Quote of the day

The darkness is coming. It will spread to every corner of the land.


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Written by Falcon, Monday 17 March 2014

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Falcon  11 year(s) ago (132 months)

Thanks for the comments, I didn't mind the running time as I enjoyed every bit of the movie.

Aaron  11 year(s) ago (132 months)

I really liked this film and I wasn't really expecting to at all. My only gripe with it was that it ran a bit too long. Nicely reviewed!

Joh  11 year(s) ago (132 months)

I actually never got seeing this one, although it is one that I intend to watch as I have heard nothing but strong praise for it. Nice review!

Brisingr  11 year(s) ago (132 months)

Fantastic movie, easily one of the best to come out in 2013. A brilliant mix of dark comedy and drama in a film that i will not easily forget. Loved everything about it. Good review! :)