18 Days - Write Wise Blog

18 Days

Just a quick reminder, that there are 18 days left to submit your December 2013 challenge entries.

Looking forward to reading what you have written (and posting my own, of course).

Whenever sufficient entries have accumulated, I will post the story covers on this blog.

Written by Aaron, Monday 2 December 2013

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Brisingr  11 year(s) ago (135 months)

Sadly I won't be entering this challenge as I have other uni related commitments which are taking up a lot of my time at the moment. I'll do my best to try and get back into writing and blog posting in the new year, after things calm down a bit.

Joh  11 year(s) ago (136 months)

I'm looking forward to reading everyone's entries. I currently just have a bunch of ideas, I will need to pick one and get started! I have put most of them aside as future entries, but I will definitely need to enter one of them for this challenge.

Aaron  11 year(s) ago (136 months)

Hope you get it done in time, if you have issues let me know and we can sort something out.

Falcon  11 year(s) ago (136 months)

I have started my story but I have still quite a bit to write.