Write Wise v2.2 released - Write Wise Blog

Write Wise v2.2 released

As part of the new incremental release model, I've just pushed v2.2 of Write Wise out. From the user's perspective, the only noticeable change is that we now have a new, modern home page.

Behind the scenes, a lot of groundwork has been laid which will allow future parallel development to continue. Effectively, there are two Write Wise code bases running in parallel at the moment.

Let me know what you think of the new homepage!

Written by Aaron, Saturday 22 August 2015

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Brisingr  10 year(s) ago (118 months)

Cool - like the new homepage, glad to hear there is work still going on! :)

Joh  10 year(s) ago (118 months)

The new front page looks excellent! Nice work, and looking forward to seeing future changes getting implemented.

Aaron  10 year(s) ago (118 months)

Thanks, Falcon!

The new home page is fully dynamic and will update itself. Write Wise is only going to move more and more towards being driven fully by the community. :)

Falcon  10 year(s) ago (118 months)

I really like the new home page and will find the link to the Write Wise blog a handy feature. Will the home page update automatically when a new story has been published? Keep up the good work.