Roadmap, personal writing and the yearly Writing Challenge - Write Wise Blog

Roadmap, personal writing and the yearly Writing Challenge

Progress on the Write Wise conversion has been a little slow, largely because I've been busy with all sorts of other things.

I want to continue making progress, so I've decided to put together a roadmap for the rest of the year. This roadmap shows the Write Wise projects I intend to complete before the year is over. You can read it here.

As you can see, some key features are going to be rolled out before the end of the year.

On the topic of my own personal writing, my plans for a novella have fallen through (for 2018 at least), but I do have 3 (hopefully soon to be 4) story drafts awaiting editing. So I will hopefully be submitting multiple entries to the Open Challenge soon enough.

Finally for now, the 2018 Writing Challenge will be opening in the coming weeks. The format will follow much the same as last year. I hope we can all enter again this year, as it was great having 3 entries last year.

Written by Aaron, Saturday 4 August 2018

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Falcon  7 year(s) ago (83 months)

I'm looking forward to seeing these new additions and features added to Write Wise before the end of the year. While it is a shame that the novella has fallen through for now, I'm also very interested in reading these three or four potential entries you mentioned. I am certainly planning on entering the 2018 Writing Challenge and have a few thoughts on the story already.

Joh  7 year(s) ago (83 months)

I look forward to the new functionality and updates - it's always nice to see the Write Wise site become fancier.

I'm definitely looking forward to your future entries: I hope to see them soon.

The Write Wise site is very impressive and I think we can all be proud of our stories on the site.