Ben there, Dan that! - Falcon's Blog

Ben there, Dan that!

Greetings, Ben there, Dan that! is a point and click puzzle adventure by a company that was called Zombie Cow studios at the time. The player takes control of the character Ben in order to use objects to advance through the levels, which can be difficult at times, especially later on. His comrade Ben offers his services of flipping light switches and providing humour, although at the expense of being capable of doing much else. The game is in the style of a cartoon and often acts as such in its humour.

The plot is quite strange to say the least, the start of the proper story starts with Ben and Dan attempting to fix their television with a coat hanger as an antenna. They are teleported to an alien ship when hit by a lightning bolt, hence the two have to find the way home through various dimensions using certain materials to solve problems to progress. While they are stuck in the space ship, aliens come to London and news of their arrival spreads throughout the world. Through certain scenes it is revealed they are behind the transportation of Ben and Dan in order to complete their plan which is revealed near the end.

This game is quite fun and original with many strange areas to explore. The characters are interesting and sometimes their aid or downfall is necessary to accomplish the mission. It has a sequel named Time Gentlemen, Please, which I am looking forward to. I would encourage anyone to buy this if they were looking for a puzzle game. The tenth chapter of Unforgotten Rivalry is up in Warehouse 17.





Quote of the day

My dear Frodo, Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month and yet, after a hundred years, they can still surprise you.

Gandalf the Grey

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Written by Falcon, Sunday 25 September 2011

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Falcon  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

It takes a while to get into but I enjoyed my time with it.

Aaron  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

This wasn't really my sort of thing -- but it's pretty cool that it went free. Nicely reviewed!

Joh  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

I tried this when I heard it was free - but sadly I didn't enjoy it too much. I got stuck on the first puzzle where you have to fix the TV and ended up giving up. I might try it again some day. Good review. :]

Brisingr  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

Yeah I loved this game although it was really tricky at times and had to look up a walk through for a lot of the game :twisted: