Dead to rights - Falcon's Blog

Dead to rights

Greetings, Dead to rights is a game from 2002 which was produced by Namco. It is set in the corrupt city of Grant city and follows the complex story of a rogue cop, Jack Slate and his vicious dog, Shadow. The plot begins with the murder of Jack's father, Frank who was also a cop. Seeking revenge, Slate hunts down his father's only advisory, while breaking into his enemies’ facility he finds that Frank's nemesis is tied up in a chair with a bullet through the brain. Before Jack can react an assassin called Patch knocked Slate unconscious wounding him with a bullet, when Jack is awakened he finds himself framed and arrested for the murder of Frank's enemy. Jack is taken to prison to be executed with the electric chair, so he has to escape prison, find Patch and discover who ordered the murder of his father and why.

The story is more complicated than I had originally perceived, I think this is a great game as you never suspected the betrayals or who to trust. The game play is similar to that of the Matrix in which time slows down when Jack jumps and shoots at once. Slate's trust companion Shadow can also be used to kill enemies and retrieve their weapons, the environment can be used to defeat the enemies for example throwing a fire extinguisher and exploding it with Jack's weapons. I really enjoyed the game and it was well worth the money, I believe that the second game will be just as a fun an experience as the first one. The sixth chapter of the Invisible Agents is up in Warehouse 17.






Quote of the day

Kimble, if you were any stiffer, we could take you surfing.

Phoebe O' Hara

Kindergarten Cop

Written by Falcon, Saturday 18 December 2010

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Falcon  15 year(s) ago (182 months)

It isn't a big title but I like it, it certainly good enough to make a sequel.

Andy  15 year(s) ago (182 months)

Good review! Interesting plot...

Like the layout of your reviews and the quote of the day is a nice addition!!

Aaron  15 year(s) ago (182 months)

Can't say I've heard of it either -- but it certainly sounds interesting!

Brisingr  15 year(s) ago (182 months)

Ah yes, I've only seen parts of this game but it looks/sounds fun enough.

Although I have never been a huge fan of the 3 person shooters

Joh  15 year(s) ago (182 months)

Hmm, can't say I have ever heard of this game before. Sounds interesting though.