Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening - Falcon's Blog

Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening

Greetings, Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening is the expansion pack to another classic from Bioware, Dragon Age game. It follows the events, as well as the player’s previous choices from the original game, and it gives the player the opportunity to continue the hero’s storyline or start a new one from a different land. I chose to fight as my first character, Falc, who has since defeating the Blight and the Archdemon alongside his team, managed to become the Commander of the Grey Warden’s.  

 Despite victory, the villains known as Darkspawn split into two large war bands and still remain a large threat to the citizens of Ferelden. At the start of the game, Falc and a young recruit find the headquarters of the Grey Warden under attack by the Darkspawn. Upon fighting their way to the top of the fort, while encountering some new and old friends, the Grey Warden Commander comes across an enemy that can speak. This is distressing as none of the Darkspawn have seemed able to speak beforehand and creates a new, strange twist to the plot. 

As always Bioware has created great characters and locations, if fewer of them, but also brought back some of the old comrades. However it should be noted that there is a lot less time to understand and like the characters as the game is considerably shorter than the predecessor. Despite this they are still fantastic allies who develop with the main character’s influence, during the plot. There are also a number of Key decisions to make which could have brilliant or disastrous consequences, which adds to the thrill or fear factor, in which makes it a brilliant game. It has more than earned the title of Super Duper 100% the best and I encourage you, to buy it. The twelfth chapter of the Unforgotten Rivalry is up in Warehouse 17.





Quote of the day

Now Fry, it's been a few years since medical school, so remind me. Disemboweling in your species: fatal or non-fatal?

Dr. Zoidberg 


Written by Falcon, Sunday 16 October 2011

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Falcon  14 year(s) ago (163 months)

Thanks for the comments, there is a sequel already made with a third to be announced. I also intend to play a few DLC's. That should keep me occupied for a while. :D

Aaron  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

Nicely reviewed -- BioWare's games definitely are renowned for their scale, although I haven't actually played any yet. ;]

Joh  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

Nice style of writing for your review. I have heard nothing but great things said about Bioware's games - both Dragon Age and Mass Effect so it seems guilty to say I haven't played a game from either series. I will likely pick some of these titles up during the Christmas Sales on Steam. Great review and the game sounds excellent. :D

Brisingr  14 year(s) ago (164 months)

Loved awakening was so fun to get back into that whole story after playing origins. Good review!

Also great quote, ah Dr. Zoidberg you mad mad man ;]