Hector: Badge of Carnage - Falcon's Blog

Hector: Badge of Carnage

Greetings, Hector: Badge of Carnage is a point and click adventure game that was developed by Straandlooper and published by Telltale Games. Straandlooper is an animation studio and game developer located in Northern Ireland with the Hector series being the first game they have ever made. Like other Telltale works Badge of Carnage has an episodic format that consisting of three segments in total and a storyline that runs through all the episodes. The humour is adult in nature, with the plot being set in the fictitious and degenerate town of Clappers Wreak, infamously renowned as the crime capital of Britain.

The storyline follows the brutish and vulgar protagonist, Detective Inspector Hector of Clappers Wreak Police Service as he gets entangled in a hostage situation that is occurring in an abandoned building. Hector is sent in to settle the situation by order of Meeks, Chief Superintendent and Hector’s boss, after several negotiators are killed by a skilled sniper hiding in the abandoned building. Once negotiations begins it is revealed that the unidentified terrorist is shocked at how far the town has sunk into depravity and demands that Hector rebuild Clappers Wreak by handing him three assignments.

Hector: Badge of Carnage

As such Hector is forced to comply, repairing the dysfunctional town clock, destroying the local adult entertainment industry and donating a large sum of money to Barnsley Noble, head of the Clappers Wreak Preservation Society. The first episode is rather simple in terms of plot as Hector merely fulfils the sniper’s demands but it expands later on with the terrorist being identified at the end of the second episode and the aims of the villain being uncovered in the third game.

The series has a large and colourful cast of characters, some of which appear throughout the whole trilogy, but only two of them are playable. Hector’s slow witted partner, Lambert, becomes an increasingly important character as the story progresses and the player has to take control of him to solve certain puzzles in the last two episodes. The puzzles are unusual and can only be completed with the use of various items found throughout the map, some of which have to be combined in order to solve them. Overall it is an enjoyable game with interesting challenges, art style, setting and characters, especially Hector himself.





Quote of the Day

Today. Today... at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today there is not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door, and bring the fight to them. Today, we are cancelling the apocalypse!

Stacker Pentecost

Pacific Rim

Written by Falcon, Friday 18 July 2014

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Falcon  11 year(s) ago (128 months)

Thanks for the comments, hope you enjoy it Joh.

Brisingr  11 year(s) ago (128 months)

Played this a couple years back and thoroughly enjoyed it. A very witty title and plenty of puzzles to keep you occupied! Nice review! :D

Joh  11 year(s) ago (128 months)

I haven't played this game, but I did get it in the Humble Telltale Games Bundle. I might need to check it out at some stage. I can't say I play a lot of point and click games though.

Aaron  11 year(s) ago (128 months)

Wasn't familiar with this game. Nicely reviewed, sounds like a fairly entertaining title!