Merry Christmas 2017! - Falcon's Blog

Merry Christmas 2017!

Greetings, in accordance with my annual traditions on my blog I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I have one more blog update planned for 2017 in which I will round up my favourite works from various media including books, television shows, games and films I had experienced throughout the year. This is to be released, as always, on the 31st December. I believe we have had a very successful Write Wise challenge this year with some unique and interesting entries. All those who contributed had done a great job on their stories and I am looking forward to what you will all bring in 2018.

Merry Christmas 2017!

I don’t have anything planned for Write Wise in 2018 at the minute but I do have plenty of stories I would like to tell. An Odyssey of the Rogues sequel is certainly in the works and I would like to make a science fiction entry at some stage as I don’t believe this genre has been overly touched upon. Similar to Odyssey of the Rogues, I would have to build up and create a whole universe for it to take place in. As I have said for the last few years, I definitely want to return to the Guardians series and believe it will need some sort of revamp as it has been a long time since I last wrote one. Guardian is a little trickier to write than others as it has one long overarching plot to construct compared to other series which would have a more standalone feel to sequels or prequels. Have a Merry Christmas tomorrow!

Quote of the Day

Very good. Happy Christmas!

Lane Pryce

Mad Men

Written by Falcon, Sunday 24 December 2017

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Brisingr  8 year(s) ago (93 months)

Happy Christmas all - hope you all have a great day. Well done to all who entered write wise this challenge, all strong entries. See you back here on the 31st for your yearly round up.

Joh  8 year(s) ago (93 months)

Merry Christmas! As you said, the Write Wise was excellent, and I too am looking forward to everyone's future works.

Aaron  8 year(s) ago (93 months)

Happy Christmas!

I agree -- this year's Write Wise was a lot of fun and I was glad we got three entries. Looking forward to the annual roundup on the 31st.