Monsters University - Falcon's Blog

Monsters University

Greetings, Monsters University is a 2013 prequel to Pixar’s original 2001 film, Monsters Inc. It has retained most of its notable main cast such as Billy Crystal, John Goodman and Steve Buscemi reprising their roles as well as adding new members like Helen Mirren. While the film does not include or reference Boo, presumably because she wouldn’t have yet been born, it does elaborate on the relationship between Mike and Scully as well as setting the stage for Randall as a villain in Monster’s Inc. Some of the original characters also receive cameo roles towards the end of the film such as the slug like monster named Roz.

The plot begins with a very young Mike on a field trip to Monster’s Inc. While watching the scarers do their job he is inspired to grow up to be just like them, years pass and he begins to start his time at Monsters University. While he studies hard, Mike is held back by the fact that he isn’t frightening and this begins a rivalry with the slacking but naturally talented student, Scully, as they try to outcompete each other. Their contest disrupts the final exam and Dean Hardscrabble drops them both from the program because of it.

Monster University

Mike attempts to prove his skills to the entire university by entering the scare games. He has to join the unprofessional team, Oozma Kappa, but reluctantly has to side with his opponent Scully if he wants to compete in the games. Therefore, in order to win Mike and Scully have to work together using their different skills as well as having to train with incompetent students. The different groups compete against each other in challenges with the main antagonists being the jock like students from Roar Omega Roar, which contains Mike’s old roommate and future enemy, Randall.

Monsters University was Pixar’s first prequel movie and it is one I enjoyed. It gave an interesting series of events by making the two protagonists rivals and set in motion the story line of Monsters Inc . In my opinion, the film does a good job of keeping true to the characters while giving them a history that doesn’t contradict their established personalities, especially since it has been over a decade since the original was made.





Quote of the day

I am the man with no name. Zapp Brannigan at your service.

Zapp Brannigan


Written by Falcon, Sunday 20 October 2013

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Falcon  11 year(s) ago (137 months)

Thanks for the comments, It was an enjoyable experience but I doubt Pixar would make another Monsters film seeing as the characters are already well developed.

Joh  11 year(s) ago (137 months)

Monster's University was a fun film. Pixar's animated movies are excellent quality and I am glad this one was not an exception. It's been so long since I have seen Monsters Inc that I barely can remember much of it - so as a prequel this movie works great as a standalone and for fans of the original movie.

Well reviewed!

Brisingr  11 year(s) ago (137 months)

Monster's University was a fun movie, plenty of references to the first movie while bringing a lot of new content into the mix.

Nice Review!

Aaron  11 year(s) ago (137 months)

I really enjoyed Monster's University. It was a fun, creative prequel that was an enjoyable watch. I also enjoyed the short film attached to it, The Blue Umbrella.

Nicely reviewed!