Paul - Falcon's Blog


Greetings, as you may know Paul is the third and latest film from the two comedians Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. While it is not as good as Shaun of the dead or Hot Fuzz it is still pretty enjoyable to watch. It definitely has a lot of references to sci-fi, which includes Star Wars. The story follows two nerds Simon as Graeme and Nick as Clive who spend their holiday touring the hotspots of alien activity around America. While travelling at dark, their attention is drawn to the side of the road where the alien, Paul comes out of the dark.  

Paul who is voiced by Seth Rogen, causes Clive to faint and convinces a scared Graeme to let him drive the alien to his destination. As the journey continues, it becomes apparent Paul is trying to return to the mother ship and return home due to the fact he broke out of a government base. They have to get to their destination before they are found by the government under the orders of the Big Guy. I felt it was a little long but it was still funny and worthwhile to watch .I would encourage you to see it if you are into sci-fi. The eighteenth chapter of the Invisible Agents is up in warehouse 17.


Characters= 8/10

Special effects=8/10


Quote of the day

If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can't speak.

King George the sixth

The King's speech.

Written by Falcon, Sunday 27 March 2011

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Falcon  14 year(s) ago (170 months)

Hot Fuzz is a cool movie.

Joh  14 year(s) ago (171 months)

I haven't seen this movie but it looks quite funny. Can't say I've seen Hot Fuzz either but Shaun of the Dead is an excellent movie.

Aaron  14 year(s) ago (171 months)

Not a bad film: definitely had a few worthwhile moments.

Brisingr  14 year(s) ago (171 months)

Yeah it was a decent movie and gave me a few giggles