Red Steel 2 - Falcon's Blog

Red Steel 2

Greetings, Red Steel 2 is the sequel of the first game I reviewed on this blog. The two plots are different, as well as the characters meaning the name is about the only thing that connects them. While the characters and story isn't the best, it is a relatively fun game to play but it did have a few issues with bugs. The story revolves around a small village called Caldera which is attacked by a gang called the Jackals, who receive orders from their leader, Payne. The main character is a mix between a Cowboy and a Samaria , known only as the Hero. Along with allies such as Tamiko, he defeats the Jackals and their leader to uncover the true source of the threat. A individual named Shinjiro, who has been ordering the killing of the Heroes' clan, the graphics are done in the style of a cartoon giving it a new appearance to the Red Steel series. Overall, it's a good enough game to play and is worth a shot if you haven't got any games to play. The third chapter of the Invisible Agents is up in Warehouse 17.





Special effects=8/10


Quote of the day

Number 5... is alive!

Johnny  5

Short Circuit



Written by Falcon, Sunday 21 November 2010

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Falcon  15 year(s) ago (175 months)

The original is a good game.

Aaron  15 year(s) ago (175 months)

I remember TRYING the original on the Wii. Was pretty difficult to control but it looked pretty fun.

Joh  15 year(s) ago (175 months)

Ah yes, I played the first Red Steel and really enjoyed it. Can't say anything attracts me to the sequel though, as it doesn't look anything like the original. Still, good to hear you enjoyed it.

Brisingr  15 year(s) ago (175 months)

yes, this game looks strange may need to play it at some stage.