Unforgotten Rivalry  - Falcon's Blog

Unforgotten Rivalry

Greetings, Lutionn returns in the fifth novel, Unforgotten Rivalry. The plot of this story was mostly explored through the forth book, the Invisible Agents and the majority of characters where introduced in the previous novels as well. It expands on certain individual’s backgrounds that have been only mentioned slightly. It is mainly situated in one specific location due to the emergence of the villains beforehand, why it is like this will be explained in the book. I hope you enjoy it. The first chapter of Unforgotten Rivalry is up in Warehouse 17.

Quote of the day

Sometimes I pick up too much fabric and it ends up all puckered and the entire garment hangs wrong afterward. And you're... you know, grandmotherly. Grandmothers do that sort of thing, don't they? Darning socks and whatnot. You don't want me to have to fight darkspawn in a shirt with a hole, do you? It might get bigger. I might catch cold.


Dragon Age: Origins


Written by Falcon, Wednesday 13 July 2011

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Falcon  14 year(s) ago (167 months)

Thanks for the comments. Alistair certainly has great lines. :D

Aaron  14 year(s) ago (167 months)

Good to see another story in the Lutionn sage -- excellent job! ;]

Joh  14 year(s) ago (167 months)

Good work continuing the Lutionn series. The Warehouse is really filling up now. :D

Brisingr  14 year(s) ago (167 months)

Congrats on starting the new book!

Great quote by the way, i don't remember hearing that one but Alisair has so many great lines! :D