The Dark Tower 1 and 2 - Falcon's Blog

The Dark Tower 1 and 2

Greetings, Dark Tower is a series of seven books of which I have read two of. I am not really sure why I didn't review the first book Gunslinger before hand but I suppose there is no time like the present, let's see if I remember it. The first one was set in a world that is not our own or is in the past, I haven't quite figured that out but there's still a lot more books to go. It follows the character of Sir Roland who is the last of his kind, the last Gunslinger into the desert lands hunting down the Dark Tower and his enemy the Man in Black, also known as Walter. Basically it is a long journey to a Dark Tower in which many of the Gunslinger's friends have been killed in search of. This book and the others were all influenced by the Lord of the Rings, this has a Western twist into it. It has a strange end, which even after reading the second book still isn't exactly clear. The Dark Tower series was written by Stephen King.

The Drawing of the three, the next book is set along a beach that never appears to end, with strange creatures that are willing to kill the Gunslinger from the sea, the Gunslinger has to survive them and the Man in Black's plan. He has to walk inside three doors, all far apart, which lead to the minds of three people. The first is that of Eddie Dean and leads to our world during the 1970's, where Eddie, an drug addict tries to smuggle drugs to America when the Gunslinger interrupts. I will not say to much as that would spoil the books. They were well written but they both took a while to get into and build up so much that over the last twetny pages there is action. The ending of this book was also a little confusing but hopefully, it will all be explained later. The eighth episode of the adventures of Flecth and Roman series 2 is up in Warehouse 17.


Dark tower

Plot= 7/10




Quote of the day

Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say:
Some things in life are bad.
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble. Give a whistle.
And this'll help things turn out for the best. And...

Always look on the bright side of life.

Mr. Frisbee III

Life of Brian

Written by Falcon, Tuesday 22 June 2010

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Aaron  15 year(s) ago (181 months)

Nothing like a big epic series (whether that series be books, games, movies or Star Trek) to keep one entertained.

Oh and welcome to Potato Journal!

Brisingr  15 year(s) ago (181 months)

Just skimmed through this post, not reading it as I want to read it myself shortly :)