Call of Juarez
Greetings, Call of Juarez is the original game in the two part series. It is set 17 years after the Bound in Blood and includes some of the same characters such as Reverend Ray. It follows two plots, with Billy’s and Ray’s side of the story which eventually collide. Billy Candle at the beginning is returning to his Step Father’s farm in order to find his mother after he failed to find the lost gold of Juarez. His relationship with Thomas, his step father is frosty as Billy states that he was usually beaten by Thomas claiming it would make him into a man. Once he is near his destination, he hears gunshots and discovers the copses of his mother Marisa and Thomas.
While at his church, Reverend Ray is preaching when a woman halts the service to inform McCall Thomas’ farm is under attack. Ray runs to his brother’s aide only to find him and his wife dead, with a suspicious Billy running away at the sight of him. The Reverend picks up his weapons from Bound in Blood and armed with his faith he goes after Candle believing that he had murdered his parents. Billy is running for his life, trying to find out who killed his parents and why.
The game play took a while to grasp and understand but when I moved through the game progress it became a lot easier. There are also extra missions that are unlocked after the campaign is finished, in the levels it is a plot built around a Deputy with no name chasing a bunch of rustlers who kill people in their way. I enjoyed this game although I found the sequel had improved on it but none the less an exciting experience. The eleventh chapter of the Invisible agents is up in Warehouse 17.

Quote of the day
I told you I don't want to join your super secret boy band.
Tony Stark
Iron man 2
Iron man 2
Greetings, Iron man 2 is a marvel film about a comic book hero called Tony Stark or his other half Iron man. I had reviewed the original movie a few years ago and this movie has many of the same actors and actresses in it for instance Robert Downey Junior and Gwyneth Paltrow. It delivers much of the same action packed fun as the first movie and the acting was just as good but I preferred the original. I’m not stating this was a bad movie, it just felt that it wasn’t as good because it wasn’t a new experience, unlike the first one.
The plot is rather complex, the story itself begins decades before the movie when Stark’s father and a Russian named Venko are trying to build a new way to create and sustain energy. Venko is deported back to Russia suspected of being a Soviet spy and dies at the beginning of the movie, his son, Ivan decides to take revenge on Iron man as Stark has some of his father’s legacy in building the corporation Stark industries. Ivan takes on the identity of Whiplash , with the help of an electric device he had built.
Iron man has enough problems to deal with as a rival entrepreneur called Hammer wants the suit to be given over to the US, this is because he believes Tony Stark is reckless and the suit is a dangerous weapon. Another factor is the point that Stark’s suit which is keeping him alive is actually killing him by contaminating his blood. So Iron man has to solve these problems during the span of the film. Overall it is pleasant to watch and relatively exciting but it wasn’t better than the original. If you’re a fan of Iron man or are at least interested in superheroes, I would encourage you to check it out. The tenth chapter of the Invisible Agents is up in Warehouse 17.

Special effects=10/10
Quote of the day
If you see anyone come running out screaming, don't worry - it's just me
The Mummy Returns
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Greetings, there is no doubt that you have heard of this game. I have only played a few Call of Duty games, and have only finished the third video game but my experiences of the series have been good. There were a few reasons I was originally put of this game, one, I thought that there was little room for a good plot and characters in a game about terrorism. Another was the fact that it was praised for its online multiplayer instead of its campaign. However, my initial feelings for the game were wrong, the characters are actually pleasant with their own characteristics instead of the same characters being essentially the same people.
The graphics of this game are brilliant with great scenery to gaze at, the game play is very easy to plunge into and follow immediately. The story mainly follows the SAS sergeant Soap and American sergeant Paul Jackson who attempt to destroy their enemies of Al-Asad and leader of the Ultranationalist party in Russia, Zakhaev who are seeking to destroy the West after their countries were destroyed by them. In campaign you are rarely alone as a squad will help the player through the mission, the teams consist of characters such as Captain Price, Gaz ,Sergeant Griggs, and Lt Vasquez as well as others who don’t say anything. So this is a great game and I’ll try and get the next one soon, I would encourage people to play this as it is fun to interact with. The ninth chapter of the Invisible agents is up in Warehouse 17.

Quote of the day
Just popped out for lunch
Mr Bean
Mr Bean
All Quiet on the Western Front
Greetings, for my first blog update of 2011 I would like to review a classic novel of the first world war which is All Quiet on the Western Front. It was written by Erich Maria Remarque, which follows the story of a group of young German soldiers and their experiences throughout the war. The book is a first person narrative from the view point of the main character, Paul. Other people that befriend him are also German soldiers at the Front called Kat, Muller, Tadjen and Kropp who experience what he is going through as well. They are other people in the plot but are minor characters, who appear only a few times. Through Paul the reader witnesses how the war ruins everyone and their dreams in the story both physically and mentally.I found at the beginning the book took a while to get into but once I began to understand the characters I started to like it more, it’s the first novel I have every read about World War one which I think is another reason I didn’t take to it immediately. The language Erich uses is slightly out of date but it is still easy enough to understand, after all it was written a long time ago. Overall it’s quite a good book and I’d recommend it to those with an interest in history to explore how it really was. The eighth chapter of the Invisible agents is up in Warehouse 17.

Plot= 7/10
Quote of the day
Baldrick, no! It's the worst plan since Abraham Lincoln said "Oh I'm sick of kicking around the house tonight, let's go take in a show!". For a start, General Melchett is in mourning for the woman of his dreams: he is unlikely to be in the mood to marry a two-legged badger wrapped in a curtain! Secondly, we are looking for a great entertainer, and you're the worst entertainer since Saint Paul the Evangelist toured Palestine with his trampoline act! No, we'll have to find somebody else.